Bishop's Corner




    Bishop Williams is committed to restoring Kingdom

     Living and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Here you will find articles and information that will help

    you grow in your faith and encourage you in your walk

    with Christ. We trust that these materials will be a

    blessing to you and those all around you.    





Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Renew your mind by getting in the Word of God and changing your mindset to a Kingdom mindset. Once you find out what belongs to you as a child of the most high God, you will be an effective force against your enemy.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
I believe God is waking His church up for such a time as this and we are experiencing a shaking – a heart change where the people are saying Lord we want more of you than anything.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 20:15
If you are not careful, the storms of life will cause you to take your eyes off God, the source of your existence; the one who can bring you through. (But) This is what the Lord says to you: 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.'" 2 Chronicles 20:15
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Please join with the millions around the world as we call out to the Lord in prayer for our city, state, country, and nation. There is power in prayer, and there is power in numbers.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The Word of God says to seek the Kingdom first (God's way) and then everything else will be added to us (Matthew 6:33). In other words, we must take the time to learn the Kingdom in order to function in it.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Stand firm in your faith and the power of God's Word. Fight the good fight; finish your course; keep the faith. He's already given you all the armor you need; all the artillery you need; all the arsenal you need.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Great and mighty moves of God are upon the earth and will manifest even greater. We are in a new season and a new time. God is the one who changes the seasons, and has given man the wisdom and understanding to know what times we are in, and what we ought to do and not do.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
There comes a time when we must face our issues and giants and deal with sin. We have to stop and be honest about things going on in our lives, our homes, and our churches.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Let's pray and call upon the name of the Lord. This nation shall see a great deliverance and manifestation of God's church.
The gates of hell will not prevail against Junction City, Kansas or the surrounding areas. God's hand is upon us and He will not leave us or forsake us.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The most powerful thing in the universe is the Word of Almighty God. When you speak His Word, you release the power to create things. Once you understand that words have power in them, you won't just use them loosely. Words can create, and are very effective.

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