Bishop's Corner
Bishop Williams is committed to restoring Kingdom
Living and making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Here you will find articles and information that will help
you grow in your faith and encourage you in your walk
with Christ. We trust that these materials will be a
blessing to you and those all around you.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Saints of God, it is time to get back in the fight. This is a time of battle, a time of war. Yes, we are winning, we are overcoming, and we are prevailing. But in this time, we must continue to fight.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
It's time to stand strong and move forward. Your God has great plans for you and your family.
Bishop Clarence Williams •
So, the question is, "What do you do when you do not know what to do?"
Bishop Clarence Williams •
Forgiveness is powerful! It can set you free from all the pain and hurt you've carried for years.
Bishop Clarence Williams •
There is a purpose for the anointing on your life. Can you say you have maximized your gifts and talents to the best of your ability?
Bishop Clarence Williams •
It's time to let every demon know that they will not pass here because you are a winner and a fighter! Dance around your house; rejoice in your car! Declare that today is my victory day, and then celebrate your victory in Christ Jesus.
Bishop Clarence Williams •
The enemy doesn't want you to pray, or to make prayer a priority, because he knows that God will show you great and mighty things according to Jeremiah 33:3.
Bishop Clarence Williams •
This is a year of miracles and victory. This is a year that prayers will be answered. The set time has come for God to favor His people (Psalms 102:13).
Bishop Clarence Williams •
2022 is a new season for you and your family. Regardless of what is going on around you, trust that nothing will be impossible for you if you make the choice to simply trust God.
Bishop Clarence Williams •
Understand that whenever you are doing good before the Lord and walking in obedience to the Word of God, you can expect the enemy to show up.
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