Bishop's Corner




    Bishop Williams is committed to restoring Kingdom

     Living and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Here you will find articles and information that will help

    you grow in your faith and encourage you in your walk

    with Christ. We trust that these materials will be a

    blessing to you and those all around you.    





Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Don't just live, but live right, and do the right things. Make the best of life while you are here in the earth.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Renew your mind by getting in the Word of God and changing your mindset to a Kingdom mindset. Once you find out what belongs to you as a child of the most high God, you will be an effective force against your enemy.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
There is a way to be set free from these hurts and offenses, however, and live life to the fullest despite the pain caused by people – it's called FORGIVENESS.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
So, the question is, "What do you do when you do not know what to do?" I have learned in my days of crisis to never stop praying.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
God is going to do things such as have never been seen before in the earth. It is therefore critical that every believer hears the voice of the Spirit; which comes from relationship.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
During challenging times, remember that your battles are never against people (see Ephesians 6:12), so always fight on your knees in prayer to your faithful God.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
God wants you to believe in ways that you've never believed before, where you begin to act on what you believe.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Through worship, God can shift the atmosphere in your favor, and change or cancel what was meant to destroy you. I don't know your circumstances, but there are some battles you don't have to fight.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Don't allow your emotions (hurt, pain, rejection, failure, betrayal, disappointments, and so on) to overwhelm you or cause you to doubt God's Word.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Great and mighty moves of God are upon the earth and will manifest even greater. We are in a new season and a new time.

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