Bishop's Corner




    Bishop Williams is committed to restoring Kingdom

     Living and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

    Here you will find articles and information that will help

    you grow in your faith and encourage you in your walk

    with Christ. We trust that these materials will be a

    blessing to you and those all around you.    





Bishop Clarence Williams • General
I am delivered from every snare of the wicked one and any and all pestilence, virus, disease, infection, or outbreak, in Jesus' name.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
God honors people who have faith in Him. Once you make that commitment to follow Him, don't turn back. Stretch your faith.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Are you going through something right now? No matter how bad it seems, or how tough it may get, according to Scripture, the people who know their God will be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32).
Bishop Clarence Williams • Fear
It is time to allow faith to rise in you and declare greatness in your life and circumstances. Faith is what strengthens our spirits to live above what you see and how you feel.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
This is the message that Bishop Williams posted on Facebook on New Year's Day 2020
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
According to the Bible in Psalms 55:19, people who never change have no fear of God; but God expects us to change. As a matter of fact, change is inevitable.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
God can give you peace and joy right in the middle of your storms if you will allow Him to.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
Take a moment to think about what takes up most of your time, and then ask yourself, "Have I replaced my love for God with a love for other things?"
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
One thing the enemy cannot do is fight against the power of the Word, which is why he fights so hard against you reading the Bible.
Bishop Clarence Williams • General
The Body of Christ must be mature and strong enough to take stuff. Don't be so quick to get offended.

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